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Baby Baptism Ceremony

Baptism in the Catholic Church

The sacrament of baptism not only gives us sanctifying grace, it also makes us adopted children of God and heirs of heaven. We say “adopted” children because God the Father has only one begotten Son—Jesus Christ. He is God’s only Son through generation; the rest of us become God’s children by adoption.


As children of God, we receive our inheritance at the very moment of our adoption, at the very moment of Baptism. Our inheritance is eternal union with God, and we have that inheritance now, once we are baptized. Nobody can take this inheritance away. Not even God, who has bound Himself by irrevocable promise never to take back what He has given. We ourselves can renounce our rights—as we will do if we commit mortal sin—but no one else can deprive us of our heritage. The point to be emphasized, and never to be forgotten, is that we are potentially in Heaven the moment we are baptized.

  • When should I have my child baptized?
    Parents are encouraged to baptize their child within the first few weeks after birth. We do, however, ask parents to attend a baptism preparation class before presenting their child for this sacrament. The preparation class ensures the parents fully understand the sacrament and their expected roles in raising the child in their Catholic faith. All Catholic parents are encouraged to baptize their children in their Catholic faith. Even if a child was not baptized as an infant or before the age of reason (7 years old), we would like to work with you to see that your child is brought into sacramental union with the Church.
  • What if my child is older than 7 years of age?
    Please contact the Faith Formation team directly to discuss sacramental preparation for your child.
  • Must both parents be Catholic?
    No. The Church requires that at least one parent be a practicing Catholic.
  • What if the parents of the child are not married?
    The child's baptism will not be delayed for unmarried parents, though parents are encouraged to contact the Church to pursue a sacramental marriage.
  • What if we were not married in the Catholic Church?
    This will not delay the child's baptism. We encourage you to contact a priest or deacon to discuss having your marriage convalidated in the Catholic Church.
  • What if my spouse is not Catholic?
    The non-Catholic spouse must give permission for the baptism to take place and agree to not interfere with raising the child in the Catholic faith.
  • Do I need to be a member of the parish?
    We ask that you be a registered and active member of St. Ann or of another Catholic parish. (An active member is defined by the Diocese of Raleigh as one who is registered with a parish, attends Mass on a regular basis, supports the parish through the consistent giving of time, talent, and tithe, and receives regular mailings/communications from the parish.) If you are a registered and active member of another parish, you must submit a "letter of permission" from the pastor which states that you are registered and active, and which grants permission for the baptism to occur at St. Ann (Code of Canon Law: Can 857-§2). This letter must be provided when you are scheduling the baptism.
  • What if I have already taken the Baptism Preparation course?
    If you have taken the Baptism Preparation course within the last two years at St. Ann or another parish, you do not have to attend the class for your child to be baptized.
  • What are the requirements for being a Godparent?
    According to the requirements of Catholic Church Canon Law (872-874), at least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church and At least 16 years old, Received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation, If married, it must be a valid sacramental marriage, Not be bound by canonical penalties, Not be the father or mother of the child to be baptized, The second Godparent, if not Catholic, must be a baptized Christian; they are called a witness.
  • What documents are needed prior to my child's baptism?
    At least three weeks prior to your child's baptism, please provide Your child's original certificate, A Baptism Registration Form (located in the parish office), Baptism fee (for cleaning the church/materials), Godparent Testimonial Form (please CAREFULLY read through the requirements), and Certificates of completion of a Baptismal Preparation course for parents AND Godparents.
  • What is the fee for having a child baptized at St. Ann?
    We ask for a donation to cover the cost of the cleaning of the church and the materials used. It is customary to give a gift (stipend) to the celebrant of the baptism. The specific amount is at your discretion.
  • Who should I contact with questions regarding my child's baptism?
    Please reach out to Elsa Leon Galera, with any questions you have. Phone: (919) 934-2084, ext. 120 Email:

Support St. Ann Baptism

Not all families are able to contribute the baptism fee needed to clean the church and purchase needed materials. If you would like to support our efforts, please click the button below.


4057 US-70 BUS HWY W

Clayton, NC 27520


Phone (919) 934-2084

Parish Office Hours

Mon - Fri



9:00 am – 3:00 pm



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©2023 by St. Ann Catholic Church. 

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